Tampa doctor recommends prenatal care, following new cerebral palsy report

A new report released this month indicates that cerebral palsy is not caused by certain conditions medical professionals once thought were to blame.

According to the report, Dr. Edward Bell, a professor of pediatrics and neonatology at the University of Iowa, said the review summarized nicely that cerebral palsy is most often due to prenatal causes.

“This information just reiterates that there is still a need for more research regarding cerebral palsy,” said Dr. David Siambanes, founder of the Children’s Cerebral Palsy and director of the St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital Cerebral Palsy Center. “Additionally, the best prevention advice we can offer is to provide your unborn child with the best possible prenatal care.”

Siambanes suggests for expecting mothers to make sure they avoid using alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Additionally, he recommends taking prenatal vitamins to encourage healthy growth.

“The most important thing you can do to maximize the likelihood of giving birth to a healthy child is to heed your primary doctor’s warnings and practice their suggestions,” Siambanes said.

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Tampa doctor recommends prenatal care, following new cerebral palsy report